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SERiOUS jONES's Greatest Celtic F.C. Team from the 1970s

SERiOUS jONES | Celtic F.C. | 1970s | 3-5-2

This is SERiOUS jONES's chosen 11 from the greatest ever Celtic F.C. players of all time. To Select Your Own Greatest XI... Continue with Facebook

Selected Players

No.PlayerYear Range
1.Ally Hunter1973-1976
2.David Hay1968-1974
3.Tommy Gemmell1961-1971
4.Bobby Murdoch1959-1973
5.Billy McNeill1957-1975
6.George Connelly1968-1976
7.Jimmy Johnstone1961-1975
8.Kenny Dalglish1969-1977
9.John Hughes1959-1971
10.Bobby Lennox1961-1978
11.Bertie Auld1955-1961