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Larry O's Greatest Aston Villa F.C. Team

Larry O | Aston Villa F.C. | All Time | 4-4-2

This is Larry O's chosen 11 from the greatest ever Aston Villa F.C. players of all time. To Select Your Own Greatest XI... Continue with Facebook

Selected Players

No.PlayerYear Range
1.Nigel Spink1977-1996
2.Paul McGrath1989-1996
3.Charlie Aitken1959-1976
4.Gareth Barry1998-2009
5.Allan Evans1977-1989
6.John Gidman1971-1979
7.Gordon Cowans1976-1985
8.Eric Houghton1927-1946
9.Peter McParland1952-1962
10.Gerry Hitchens1957-1961
11.Jack Grealish2012-2021