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Larry O's Greatest Crystal Palace F.C. Team

Larry O | Crystal Palace F.C. | All Time | 4-4-2

This is Larry O's chosen 11 from the greatest ever Crystal Palace F.C. players of all time. To Select Your Own Greatest XI... Continue with Facebook

Selected Players

No.PlayerYear Range
1.Nigel Martyn1989-1996
2.Jim Cannon1973-1988
3.Paul Hinshelwood1973-1983
4.Bill Turner1925-1936
5.Terry Long1955-1970
6.John Sewell1963-1971
7.Bob Greener1921-1932
8.Simon Rodger1990-2002
9.Johnny Byrne1956-1962
10.Ian Wright1985-1985
11.George Clarke1925-1933