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Larry O's Greatest West Bromwich Albion F.C. Team

Larry O | West Bromwich Albion F.C. | All Time | 4-2-3-1

This is Larry O's chosen 11 from the greatest ever West Bromwich Albion F.C. players of all time. To Select Your Own Greatest XI... Continue with Facebook

Selected Players

No.PlayerYear Range
1.John Osborne1966-1977
2.Ally Robertson1969-1986
3.Don Howe1952-1964
4.Ronnie Allen1950-1961
5.Derek Statham1977-1987
6.Ray Wilson1964-1976
7.Bryan Robson1974-1981
8.Tony Brown1963-1980
9.Derek Kevan1953-1963
10.Len Cantello1968-1979
11.John Wile1970-1983